Friday, November 18, 2011

Polygamy Marriages Performed Overseas Are Recognised under the Australian Marriage Act.

Polygamous marriages may not be performed in Australia, and the practice of polygamy is prohibited in the country.  A person who marries another person, knowing that the previous marriage is still subsisting, commits an offence of bigamy under sect 94 of the Marriage Act 1961, which carries a maximum penalty of 5 years imprisonment, and the second marriage is void.[2]

However, much like the situation in the United Kingdom, polygamous marriages conducted in jurisdictions that legally recognize and perform such unions may be legally valid in Australia for some purposes. While the extent of benefits granted to a foreign polygamous marriage are unclear, benefits such as welfare are legally granted to each spouse and their children. In addition, the polygamous marriage is recognized for the purpose of a spouse having access to the Family Court for divorce, property settlement and children issues.

However same sex marriages performed overseas are NOT recognised in anyway shape or form under Australian law, the Australian Government also bans the issuing of CNI’s (Certificate of Non Impediment) to same sex couples wanting to marry overseas, some nations will refuse to marry any couple without this certificate.  Not only does the Australian Government stop same sex couples marrying in their own country, they are also trying to stop them from marrying overseas. Shame on any Government that discriminates against its own citizens solely based of their sexuality it’s a disgrace.


Sign and share the GetUp Marriage Equality Petition to be delivered to Julia Gillard at the National ALP Conference    

Email the Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Demand Equality! 

Make a donation to fighting for Marriage Equality

Wikipedia- Polygamy in Australia

Monday, October 31, 2011

Uganda fury at PM David Cameron aid threat over gay rights

The UK is showing a "bullying mentality" by threatening to cut aid to countries where homosexuality is illegal, a Ugandan official says.

UK Prime Minister David Cameron said at the weekend that those receiving British aid should respect gay rights.

But Ugandan presidential adviser John Nagenda told the BBC Ugandans were "tired of these lectures" and should not be treated like "children".

Homosexual acts are illegal in Uganda and most other African countries.

Many people see it as violating religious and cultural beliefs.

In Nigeria, the government has unveiled a draft law which makes it an offence for anyone to support gay marriages.

Mr Cameron told the BBC he had raised the issue of gay rights at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, in Perth, Australia, last week.

'Natural death'

Mr Cameron said those receiving UK aid should "adhere to proper human rights".

Ending the bans on homosexuality was one of the recommendations of an internal report into the future relevance of the Commonwealth.

Those who have more should give to those who have less. It's as simple as that”

John NagendaUgandan presidential adviser

Mr Nagenda accused Mr Cameron of showing an "ex-colonial mentality" and of treating Ugandans "like children".

"Uganda is, if you remember, a sovereign state and we are tired of being given these lectures by people," he told the BBC's Newshour programme.

"If they must take their money, so be it."

Mr Cameron's threat applies only to one type of bilateral aid known as general budget support, and would not reduce the overall amount of aid to any one country.

Malawi has already had some of its budget support suspended over concerns about its attitude to gay rights.

Mr Nagenda said the UK's "bullying mentality" was "very wrong".

"Those who have more should give to those who have less. It's as simple as that," he said.

Mr Nagenda said he doubted that the Ugandan parliament would ever approve a bill which proposed the death penalty for some homosexual acts.

"I believe it will die a natural death. But this kind of ex-colonial mentality of saying: 'You do this or I withdraw my aid' will definitely make people extremely uncomfortable with being treated like children," Mr Nagenda said.

The bill - tabled by MP David Bahati - sparked widespread international condemnation earlier this year.

Meanwhile, a Senate committee in Nigeria is holding public hearings into a proposed new law on same sex marriages.

Homosexual acts and gay marriages are already illegal in Nigeria but the draft law would also punish those who aid or abet such marriages, reports say.

Mr Cameron said he had spoken with "a number of African countries" and that more pressure had been applied by Foreign Secretary William Hague, who deputised for him during parts of the Commonwealth summit.

Some 41 nations within the 54-member Commonwealth have laws banning homosexual acts. Many of these laws are a legacy of British rule.

Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says ‘it gets better’

Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd is the latest public figure to lend his voice to global anti-homophobia campaign It Gets Better.

In the video Rudd said Australia has a zero tolerance to bullying.

“This message is for the young folk in our schools who are bullied because they are gay.”

“In Australia it’s reported that one in two LGBTI teens experiences bullying at school. It’s got to stop.

“Let me say quite simply, it’s not okay.”

Rudd joins US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, British Prime Minister David Cameron, Queensland Premier Anna Bligh and a host of community leaders and celebrities lending support to the anti-homophobia campaign.

Watch Mr Rudd’s video by clicking the link below

Inside the 'gay cure' ministries

Exorcisms, hugging, behavioural management and marriage are among the methods used by a Christian ministry to "heal" homosexuals in Queensland, according to a former leader who now wants to see the practice stamped out.

Paul Martin, the principal psychologist at Brisbane's Centre for Human Potential, said the local branches of an American organisation known as Exodus Global Alliance promoted homophobia and dangerous "ex-gay" therapies.

But Mr Martin, who became a lead counsellor with the Melbourne branch of Exodus Asia Pacific in his early 20s, said despite apparent support for issues such as same-sex marriage, there was a culture of internalised anti-gay sentiment in Queensland.

Mr Martin said that sentiment meant organisations seeking to “cure” homosexual people would continue to find an audience

Exodus made headlines yesterday when Community Services Minister Karen Struthers condemned her LNP counterpart Fiona Simpson for a speech made in 2002, which outlined her support for the organisation that helped gay and lesbian people "grow into heterosexuality" over time.

Read more:

MP challenges gays to explain their 'heterophobia'



Independent MP Rob Messenger.

A Queensland MP railing against same-sex civil unions has accused gay people of attacking his cultural values and demanded they “explain their heterophobia”.

Independent MP Rob Messenger said today gay people should stop causing him distress, insisting he respected them but they should also respect his belief “that marriage is a divine gift exclusively to a man and a woman”.

Mr Messenger argued he would feel discriminated against if gay people tried to “interfere” with his values, in a letter emailed to media outlets headlined: “Homophobic or Heterophobic about Civil Union?”

The missive comes amid ongoing debate in state politics over Treasurer Andrew Fraser's push to allow same-sex couples to register their relationships as civil unions.

Mr Messenger, who resigned from the Liberal National Party last year and regularly rails against same-sex couples being accepted as foster parents, said some critics had labelled him homophobic for opposing civil unions.

Read more:

Friday, October 14, 2011

Bomaderry/Nowra & Kiama ALP Branches Support Marriage Equality

The members of the Bomaderry/Nowra branch of the ALP wish to support Marriage Equality, by urging the National ALP Conference to change their policy on same sex marriages and support amendments to the Marriage Act.

The current Marriage Act discriminates against same sex couples by denying them the right to marry, which denies them the ability to publicly celebrate and affirm their love & commitment with their family & friends. This also hurts kids being raised by same sex parents deeming their family not privileged enough to be awarded the same rights and protections as opposite sex parents.

Kids & young teens that are struggling with their sexuality and fear that telling someone about their feelings will result in being victimised, often suffering from a range of mental health issues most seriously being suicide which sadly has claimed many young lives.

Besides this breaching articles 2 and 26 of the ICCPR (International UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights), it’s ignoring the overwhelming support in the Australian community for Marriage Equality. (Recent polling shows over 70% support)

We also strongly support state and territory ALP branches for their motions calling on the National ALP conference to support Marriage Equality, motions have been passed in Western Australia, Queensland, Tasmania, South Australia, Northern Territory, ACT and a motion still stands in Victoria.

The ALP has a proud history of fighting for all Australians, in addressing both working & social inequalities, the ALP must act to address this important issue.

“Fighting in the pursuit of social justice and equality in ALL areas of the human endeavour” (Quote from ALP 2011 membership card)

Abbott blocks marriage vote

Tony Abbott has reconfirmed that his Liberal Party opposes law reform that would allow gay marriage – and added that he would reject giving his party’s MPs a conscience vote on the issue.

“The Coalition’s policy is that marriage is between a man and a woman,” says the Opposition Leader’s spokesman, reports The Australian. “We don’t have conscience votes on matters of policy.”

This is bleak news for the marriage equality campaign, unless the ALP changes its policy following its Annual Conference this December – where gay marriage will certainly be debated – and Julia Gillarddecides against a conscience vote on the issue.

Read more here Abbott vows 2 block Marriage Vote

PM to announce conscience vote on Marriage Equality

A senior federal ALP source has told the Star Observer that Prime Minister Julia Gillard is planning to announce she will allow a conscience vote on same-sex marriage in an effort to short-circuit debate at the ALP National Conference in Sydney in December.

The debate would still occur but the source said Gillard believed that pre-empting the outcome would take the wind out of the sails of any decision made by the conference.

The source said Gillard knew she didn’t have the votes at conference to prevent marriage equality from being added to the ALP national platform, which would put her at odds with her own party on the issue.

Read more here PM to announce Marriage Equality Vote

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Success! Adshel to put posters back

Adshel, the ad company which removed Brisbane’s HIV-awareness same-sex couple ad (pictured) from bus shelters after a clearly orchestrated campaign by the Australian Christian Lobby, has just announced it has reversed its decision and will immediately reinstate the campaign.

The decision follows widespread condemnation of the advertising promotion company, including a 36,000-member strong protest Facebook page and an impromptu protest outside its Brisbane office this lunchtime.


Read this article at

Billboards preach gay love to Christians

Queensland media company Goa Billboards fought back against religious intolerance last night, posting a series of pro-gay signs on their digital billboards throughout Brisbane.

The billboards read: ‘Our God loves everyone gay & straight’ and the company plans to follow up the move with more signs of support to be posted on the digital screens until the end of the week.


Read this article at

Victorian Baillieu Govt strips rights protections

Less than a week after a tardy MP denied the Baillieu Liberal Government the numbers to pass a bill stripping back protections in the Victorian Equal Opportunities Act, the Government has brought the bill back for a second vote and passed it.

Under the rules of the Victorian Parliament a bill cannot be voted on more than once in a session of Parliament.

However the Government set procedure aside and brought the bill up for another vote despite outcry from the Victorian Opposition.

Victorian Attorney General Robert Clark pointed to the different rules used in the Federal Parliament regarding missed votes.

“It’s clearly recognised by the commonwealth parliament that in cases where there is a misadventure, where there is a missed vote, it is appropriate for the question to be again put.”

GLBT activists had appealed to government MPs to vote with their conscience but in the end the bill was passed unanimously by Coalition members in a vote of 43-42.

It is unclear at this stage whether putting the bill up for a vote in this manner could be subject to court challenge.


Read this article at

Christians force removal of safe sex ads

The leading provider of street furniture mounted advertising in Australia and New Zealand, Adshel, has removed posters for a Queensland Association of Healthy Communities (QAHC) campaign encouraging safe sex after a campaign of complaints about the ad from conservative Christians.

The posters show two fully clothed men, one nuzzling the neck of the other, with one of the men holding a condom packet in his hand.

Less than 50 complaints were made against the ad and were clearly variations on a form letter.

All were sent to Adshel in the space of a week.

A condom packet that forms part of a small logo on the posters is described in many of the complaints as being “huge”, implying many complainants had not even seen the posters, while the phrase “The only reason for homosexual men to need condoms is because their sexual intercourse carries with it a very high risk of serious disease” and “any condom ad in public spaces to children [sic] is unacceptable!” are common to many of the complaints.

Descriptions of the ad made by complainants included “Homosexual men are necking and cuddling each other,” and “the advertisement is promoting a type of condom to be used by homosexuals – for safe sex.”

Many of the posters that were complained about were situated in Brisbane’s pink Fortitude Valley precinct.

The posters were removed by Adshel without the consent of QAHC.

The Star Observer understands that the complaint campaign was orchestrated by Wendy Francis of the Australian Christian Lobby Queensland.


Read this article at

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Army anti-gay hate man charged


A 32-year-old former soldier who created an anti-gay Facebook page and aimed to ‘out’ and harass gays serving in the Australian Defence Force has been identified and charged.

More than 80 serving officers were outed on a Facebook page last year, which described gay men as “bum bandits” and proclaimed: “It is your right to know who is biting the pillow.”

Anti-gay YouTube videos were also created as part of the campaign, which included graphic and violent emails.

There was some concern that the Defence Force was ‘sweeping the matter under the carpet’, as months had gone by where investigations appeared to have stalled.

Read this article here

Vile Fred Nile rides again


On his first week back in the NSW Parliament, long-time homophobe Christian Democrat Fred Nile has tried to take a stand against adoption by same-sex couples.

Legislation which gave same-sex couples in New South Wales the right to apply to adopt children passed with a slim majority last September, and is now a law which Nile (pictured) is keen to roll back.

He requested yesterday “that leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Adoption Act 2000 to repeal the amendments made by the Adoption Amendment (Same Sex Couples) Act 2010 that enable couples of the same sex to adopt children.”

He also sought to outlaw prostitution and raise the drinking age to 21, among other staunchly conservative reforms.

Read this article here

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Protection report ‘just the start’


An Australian Human Rights Commission report into the need for federal legislation protecting people from discrimination on the grounds of sexuality and sex or gender identity has been welcomed by the Australian Coalition for Equality (ACE) and the NSW Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby (GLRL).

“After 15 years of waiting, and with bi-partisan support now available, there’s never been a better time for the federal government to finally take action on this issue,” ACE spokesman Corey Irlam said, referring to a Senate inquiry held 15 years ago into the need for federal protections against discrimination on the grounds of sexuality and sex or gender identity.

NSW GLRL co-convenor Rathana Chea said his organisation was concerned the AHRC report had not examined the issue of exemptions and exceptions in Australia’s anti-discrimination laws.

“No exemptions should be available to organisations that are publicly funded or provide government services to the community,” Chea said.

Read this article at

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Push for federal protection


The Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has found broad support for the introduction of federal laws to protect people from discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and sex and gender identity.

Ahead of releasing its Addressing Sexual Orientation and Sex and/or Gender Identity Discrimination consultation report, AHRC president and Human Rights Commissioner Catherine Branson said the consultation undertaken last year had heard compelling evidence for the need for such laws.

“The Commission’s consultation revealed numerous and distressing stories of how people’s lives had been impacted and damaged by discrimination, violence or bullying on the basis of their sexual orientation and sex and/or gender identity,” Branson said.

“We also heard lots of different views on how human rights protections for this group of people could be strengthened, but by far the most frequently suggested solution was the inclusion of protections in federal laws.”

Branson said federal protection would provide legal remedies to GLBTI people who had been discriminated against because of their identity, while delivering social improvements in a range of areas.

Read this article at

Monday, May 2, 2011

Argent ‘Expects Better’ from PM

PFLAG Australia national spokeswoman Shelley Argent has launched an online campaign to encourage gays and lesbians and their family members and friends to make YouTube videos challenging their politicians over same-sex marriage.

The face of professionally made television campaigns in favour of GLBT equality in the past, this time Argent has created an amateur style YouTube video with a web cam to launch the campaign to show that anyone can speak out about why they expect better from politicians on marriage equality

Taking inspiration from the international ‘It Gets Better’ campaign tackling feelings of hopelessness among GLBT youth, Argent has taken the concept in a slightly different direction by inviting marriage equality supporters to talk directly to their leaders, politicians and political parties through YouTube and tell them its time to end the discrimination against same sex couples in Australia today.

Read this article at Argent expects better from PM

British PM wants gay kiss ban

Reports this morning suggest British Prime Minister David Cameron wants to restrict same-sex kisses on television to late-night adult viewing hours.

UK tabloid The Sun reports that the Conservative leader supports a ban on same-sex kisses during the “pre-watershed” viewing hours before 9pm. An independent review may recommend the restriction.

Read this article at Brtisih PM wants Gay kiss ban via

Insight's 'Gay At School' episode airs Tonight 3rd May

Last month SBS started looking for input from the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex community about their school experiences, for an upcoming episode of Insight. That ‘Being gay at school’ episode screens this week.

Tune in for some must see television as SBS Current Affairs forum Insight this Tuesday 3rd May examines the issues and realities of being gay at school.

Is there too much pressure on young people to come out before they are ready to? How do schools cope most appropriately with requests by students to bring their same sex partner to formals? What is the rural reality for gay students? Statistics show that queer youth are in much more in danger of taking their own lives than their straight counterparts, and that rampant bullying plays a huge part in that. What can parents, students and schools do to combat that? Insight is set to delve into those issues and more.

Read the rest of this article at Insight's 'Gay At School' via

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Sex Discrimination Act

Regarding the Sex Discrimination Act, the Government has said it's serious about eliminating discrimination. But the Government has failed to amend the parts that relate to discrimination against the GLBT community.

The following are the amendments which are needed ASAP to ensure discrimination is removed,

The Sex Discrimination Act.

Section 3 (b) "to eliminate, so far as is possible, discrimination against persons on the ground of sex*, martial status*, pregnancy or potential pregnancy in the areas of work, accommodation, education, the provision of goods, facilities and services, the disposal of land, the activities of clubs and the administration of Commonwealth laws and programs;"

*1 "Sex" in section 3 (b) needs to be amended to "Sex, Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity."

*2 "Martial Status" in section 3 (b) should be amended to include Same-Sex Couples.

This failure to protect individuals from discrimination is incompatible with Australia's obligations under both Articles 2 and 26 of the ICCPR, which require States parties to ensure that all people can enjoy their ICCPR rights without discrimination.

Please take these amendments seriously, as this affects the lives of the GLBT community each and every day. There is NO place in our society for discrimination!

Tell your local MP's and Senators that these amendments are needed ASAP, to protect GLBT community from continued discrimination. There is NO federal Act prohibiting discrimination against someone on the basis of there sexuality, same sex couple status or gender identity.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Gay Marriage isn't revolution. It's just the next step in marriage's evolution!

Opponents of same-sex marriage worry that allowing two men or two women to wed would radically transform a time-honored institution. But they're way too late on that front. Marriage has already been radically transformed - in a way that makes gay marriage not only inevitable, as Vice President Biden described it in an interview late last year, but also quite logical.

We are near the end of a two-stage revolution in the social understanding and legal definition of marriage. This revolution has overturned the most traditional functions of the institution: to reinforce differences in wealth and power and to establish distinct and unequal roles for men and women under the law. For millennia, marriage was about property and power rather than love. Parents arranged their children's unions to expand the family labor force, gain well-connected in-laws and seal business deals. Sometimes, to consolidate inheritances, parents prevented their younger children from marrying at all. For many people, marriage was an unavoidable duty. For others, it was a privilege, not a right. Often, servants, slaves and paupers were forbidden to wed.

But a little more than two centuries ago, people began to believe that they had a right to choose their partners on the basis of love rather than having their marriages arranged to suit the interests of parents or the state.

Love, not money, became the main reason for getting married, and more liberal divorce laws logically followed. After all, people reasoned, if love is gone, why persist in the marriage? Divorce rates rose steadily from the 1850s through the 1950s, long before the surge that initially accompanied the broad entry of women into the workforce.

Read the rest of this article at

Does the Australian Christian Lobby Group Want Blood on its hands??

Well, it’s a new year, and a new Victorian government. Sadly, though, it looks like the same old bigotry rearing its ugly head.

This time, it’s about bullying in schools, and the ever-popular concerned citizens who think it’s time Premier Ted Baillieu understood that the current funding situation to address this problem is just too darn unfair. Bullying is a big problem, after all, and our elected representatives need to make sure that taxpayers’ money is spent properly. Accordingly, they’re up in arms, determined to champion the needs of Our Precious Children against the ‘ideological agenda’ of questionable groups.

Sounds reasonable, right? The last thing most parents would want is to see kids become the victims of people pushing narrow and potentially damaging ideas. And bullying is a huge problem, so it’s important to make sure the best possible steps are being taken to protect and educate the kids.

But wait. Who are these Corrupters of Our Youth?

Apparently, it’s the Safe Schools Coalition of Victoria.According to the Australian Christian Lobby Group.

Read the rest of this article at

McDonald's Lifts Blocks on some Gay Support Websites

McDonald's has begun allowing access to a number of gay-related websites from its free Wi-Fi service, but is sticking by its ban of a leading gay news website.

The fast food chain faced the anger of the gay community after denying access to gay-related websites on a new free Wi-Fi service at its restaurants.

The service, installed in branches nationwide in December, saw McDonald's claim it was now the largest free internet provider in New Zealand.

But the service filtered a number of sites it deems to fall outside its "family friendly" policy. This saw access blocked to a number gay and lesbian-related sites.

The ban has sparked anger from a community who feel McDonald's are imposing a "censorship of gay-themed sites".

Last night McDonald's began opening up the service, removing blocks on a number of websites including Rainbow Youth and Agender websites, as well as the website for New Zealand Family Planning

Read the rest of this article at

More Australian Federal MP's seek views on Marriage Equality

The campaign for marriage equality is set to hot up in 2011, with a further five MPs announcing they will seek their constituents views on same-sex marriage, while hundreds of people are arranging to meet their politicians to lobby them on the issue.

Read the rest of this article at

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Australian Marriage Equality "Working for Equal Rights for ALL Australians"

Dear Supporter of Marriage Equality,

2011 will be the most important year yet for marriage equality. But reform will only be achieved with your help.

We are doing our best to educate our politicians and anyone who is conflicted about equality, and to engage those who oppose us.

However, if the Australian debate follows the course of similar debates overseas we can expect a well-funded campaign against the equal rights of same-sex couple.

There are two ways you can help the fight for equality:

1. Donating financially:
Your contribution will help to combat the advertisement campaigns of equality's opponents, engage legal experts, and maintain our strong media and web presence. Any contribution amount will help us to make a difference, to make a donation go to this link

2. Donating your time:
Spending face-time with your local MP or Senator will help them understand why marriage equality is so important. To organise a meeting with your local MP and/or Senator go to this link

Thank you for your support and I assure you Australian Marriage Equality will continue to staunchly and effectively fight for equality.