Polygamous marriages may not be performed in Australia, and the practice of polygamy is prohibited in the country. A person who marries another person, knowing that the previous marriage is still subsisting, commits an offence of bigamy under sect 94 of the Marriage Act 1961, which carries a maximum penalty of 5 years imprisonment, and the second marriage is void.[2]
However, much like the situation in the United Kingdom, polygamous marriages conducted in jurisdictions that legally recognize and perform such unions may be legally valid in Australia for some purposes. While the extent of benefits granted to a foreign polygamous marriage are unclear, benefits such as welfare are legally granted to each spouse and their children. In addition, the polygamous marriage is recognized for the purpose of a spouse having access to the Family Court for divorce, property settlement and children issues.
However same sex marriages performed overseas are NOT recognised in anyway shape or form under Australian law, the Australian Government also bans the issuing of CNI’s (Certificate of Non Impediment) to same sex couples wanting to marry overseas, some nations will refuse to marry any couple without this certificate. Not only does the Australian Government stop same sex couples marrying in their own country, they are also trying to stop them from marrying overseas. Shame on any Government that discriminates against its own citizens solely based of their sexuality it’s a disgrace.
Sign and share the GetUp Marriage Equality Petition to be delivered to Julia Gillard at the National ALP Conference http://www.getup.org.au/campaigns/marriage-equality/petition/sign-and-share
Email the Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Demand Equality! http://www.pm.gov.au/contact-your-pm
I dont think its natural to be raised by both of your biological parents but rather one of many options. People like you are shortsighted and arrogant!