The states & territories in Australia, don't all have the same view when it comes to Gay marriage & civil unions.
The ACT Government for years have been trying to change there legislation to allow Same-sex couple the rights to civil unions, however the Federal Government blocks them at every turn.
The latest news from Canberra yesterday, seen the ACT Government modify there same-sex civil union act only days after it was passed which strips it of most legal meaning.
This modification to the Same-Sex Civil Union Act was after the Federal Government and Australian Christian Lobby group put pressure on the ACT Government to modify the Act.
The Marriage Equality Bill tabled by The Green, has failed to result in any good news, with the Senate report deciding to keep the current ban on Same-sex marriage & Civil Unions.
However the report failed to see, that the majority of Australian want this discrimination to stop. People from all walks of life have shown there support for Same-sex marriage, which just shows how the people of Australia are ready for this change.
The Federal Labour Party tricked the Gay & Lesbian Community before the last Federal Election, by promising they would change the laws to stop the discrimination of Same-Sex couples once elected but now refuse to act on the issue.
But still the Federal Government wont give up there fight to keep, "the institution of marriage between a man and a women". Which is something the Liberal Party (Mr Howard) did rewriting the Marriage Act to exclude ALL OTHERS and fit there narrow minded way of thinking.
They have used hurtful and distasteful comments towards the Gay & Lesbian community to make the public think Same-sex marriage is wrong. I mean this is unbelievable our own Government and other elected officials, can get up there and say whatever nasty comments they like about how wrong Gays & lesbians are.
All this is doing is holding back the growth of our nation, making the Gay & Lesbian Community feel like 2ND class citizens.
This has been going on for hundreds of years enough is enough, why can't the people of this country have a Government that they know; respects them, cares about them but we don't.
Family First senator Steve Fielding has compared same-sex marriage to incest, (Saying if your a guy you can't marry your brother cause it's wrong, so you can't marry another guy either cause its wrong)
I mean is it just me, or does that not make any sense at all?
I don't see how allowing Same-Sex marriage will lead to legalising incest. This just proves that the Senator, the Government and others that believe these things, have know idea what they are talking about and they shouldn't be allowed to make hurtful comments like that.
I have know idea how these people get these ideas so because someone is Gay or Lesbian that means they want to marry there brother or sister????? Don't understand the logic behind that comment.
I can't understand why in the 21st century people can make comments like that,
Others have compared Same-sex marriage with bestiality (sex with animals), this is just as ignorant, bigoted, intolerant and homophobic.
All they do is keep these hundred year old views of the world alive, and stop us from getting on with life without them worrying that two blokes or two women want to get married and love each other for the rest of there lives, how can that be so wrong??????????????????????????????
That's all this is about LOVE
The Government needs to GET OVER IT, this is not the middle ages we aren't controlled by the church anymore stop letting those views block from progress towards EQUALITY
Australian Marriage Equality group have a meeting with the Attorney General, next month to ask that a independent inquiry IS carried out by Human Rights Commission on this matter. Because this Government is not ensuring that ALL of its citizens gets the rights WE ALL DESERVE.
The fight is far from over!!!
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