Regarding the Sex Discrimination Act, the Government has said it's serious about eliminating discrimination. But the Government has failed to amend the parts that relate to discrimination against the GLBT community.
The following are the amendments which are needed ASAP to ensure discrimination is removed,
The Sex Discrimination Act.
Section 3 (b) "to eliminate, so far as is possible, discrimination against persons on the ground of sex*, martial status*, pregnancy or potential pregnancy in the areas of work, accommodation, education, the provision of goods, facilities and services, the disposal of land, the activities of clubs and the administration of Commonwealth laws and programs;"
*1 "Sex" in section 3 (b) needs to be amended to "Sex, Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity."
*2 "Martial Status" in section 3 (b) should be amended to include Same-Sex Couples.
This failure to protect individuals from discrimination is incompatible with Australia's obligations under both Articles 2 and 26 of the ICCPR, which require States parties to ensure that all people can enjoy their ICCPR rights without discrimination.
Please take these amendments seriously, as this affects the lives of the GLBT community each and every day. There is NO place in our society for discrimination!
Tell your local MP's and Senators that these amendments are needed ASAP, to protect GLBT community from continued discrimination. There is NO federal Act prohibiting discrimination against someone on the basis of there sexuality, same sex couple status or gender identity.