Friday, December 25, 2009

Australia Is Falling Behind The Rest of The World!

Australia is now falling years behind the rest of the world as far as Same-Sex marriage goes, Australia Government needs to keep this country moving forwards.

Almost day by day country after country are legalises Same-Sex marriages, Australia is the ONLY western country not to at least give Same-sex couples a Civil Union.
Our Government is so centred on pleasing the churches that nothing is getting done about these issues.

The world's first country to grant Same-Sex civil unions was Denmark amazingly back in 1989, 20 years ago that's incredible!!!

The first nation to legalise Same-Sex marriages was The Netherlands back in 2001, back had Same-Sex civil unions since 1998.

Even New Zealand introduced Same-Sex civil unions back in 2004, Australia is so far behind it's a joke!

I don't understand how the Australian Government, can keep blocking steps towards equality & deny Australia from keeping up the rest of the world.

The ACT (Australian Capital Territory) recently tried to legalise Same-Sex civil unions for the forth time, this time the Federal Government resisted pulling the plug on the changes. However they want the laws to be amended to not make it registered with births, deaths and marriages registry, wants all legal meaning removed to make it nothing like a marriage this is just plain out right homophobia from the government.

The Australian Christian Lobby Group, are having a part to play in stopping the Marriage Equality Bill. Which was submitted by the Greens Party, the ONLY Australian Federal Party to stand up for Gay & Lesbians.

The Australian Liberal Party, have always had a very old fashioned view on this issue. Choosing to use God & the Bible "marriage is only between one man & one women to the exclusion of all others"
Well that view is fast becoming a thing of the past, with the world understanding that Same-Sex couples are NO different. And deserve the same rights and respect as everyone else.

But the bible and church groups have been changing bits and pieces to suit current trends, so this is NO different but besides that Civil Unions are meant to be the NON church version for people who can't or don't want to get married.

So thats why I can't understand why the Australian Government wont let us have Civil Unions, let the church keep there word "marriage" JUST GIVE US CIVIL UNIONS

Rudd what are you so scared of????? STOP BEING HOMOPHOBIC!!!!! STOP BEING A COWARD!!!!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Bigpond BigBlog has today removed the words "Gay & Lesbian" from there banned words list.
This is a great outcome, however they still should have never been on that list to start with.
I hope this shows to those people who complained to have to words banned, TO GET THE HELL OVER IT we are all allowed to be who we are.

This outcome is step in the right direction for our rights as HUMANS

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Bigpond, Australia's biggest Internet service provider offer to there customers a free blog service to talk about current affairs & events.

This is the BigBlog advert;

"Hi fellow bloggers, we are looking for interesting blogs on today's topics and events which we intend to promote on the BigPond home page. We want to promote more interaction from the wider BigPond community and get more people coming to your blogs. So c'mon, start writing some interesting stuff and we'll promote it for you!"

So from that you would think that ALL of "today's topics and events" would be allowed on Bigpong BigBlog, but we were wrong, very wrong.

I tried to create a BigBlog that's similar to my Blog on (which is by far the best blog service on the net)
I wanted a Gay Rights Blog which is a BIG topic that needs to be talked about, not banned from our rights of freedom to express our views.

When I typed in the words Gay & Lesbian a error message came up saying "ERROR the text contains the following naughty words "gay" "lesbian".
Which meant I wasn't able to create my blog, what a joke bigpond!!!!

I immediately made several complaints to Telstra, Bigpond and Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman to find out why? and will it be changed?

After whats seemed like dozens of phone calls to Bigpond found out that several customers of Bigpond Bigblog wrote letters in wanting the words "gay & lesbian" banned not allowed to be used on the site, and Bigpond added theses words to "naughty list or banned words list"

I think its a joke! That a few people complaining to have words added to a banned list, without any just reason or purpose. Except to promote and advocate homophobia, and make it even harder for Gay Rights in Australia.

However after making the complaint to Telstra they were extremely surprised and disappointed with Bigpond, and are still trying to find out why? and can it be changed?

It's surprising because Telstra and Bigpond are one of the biggest companies in Australia and are now saying its naughty and wrong to be Gay & Lesbian by banning those words.

If several customers wrote in wanting the words relating to any other race or minority group banned eg: Asian, Indian or any race or minority in Australia, there is no way they would ban theses words because its wrong.
So the same rules should apply to the Gay & Lesbian Community, racism or discriminating against minorities groups is WRONG and Bigpond shouldn't be allowed to advocate homophobia.

So I will keep bugging Bigpond till the words Gay & Lesbian are removed from that banned list and they make a public apologue to the Gay & Lesbian Community.
There are also a number of words that Bigpond don't ban, its very interesting I wont make them public just yet, because these words are not only suggesting illegal behaviour but extremely ugly.

Bigpond what a joke you should be ashamed!!!!!!!